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CMS Server V9 Platform Installers

Enhanced Enforcement Body Camera Management

CMS Server V9 is the cutting-edge 4G enforcement body camera & 4G enforcement mobile DVR management platform, expertly designed to facilitate seamless management of enforcement and security teams. CMSserverV9 offers a robust visual command platform that has been meticulously crafted to meet the comprehensive needs of law enforcement personnel across public security, urban management, and rail transport sectors.

CMS Server V9 installers CMSV9

Indeed, 4G body cameras have become an indispensable tool for security firms and law enforcement agencies. These devices serve multiple pivotal roles in modern safety and security operations:

Evidence Collection: 4G body cameras offer high-definition video recording which is crucial for gathering clear and indisputable evidence in various scenarios, from routine patrols to critical incidents.

Accountability and Transparency: The presence of body-worn cameras helps to foster a sense of accountability among officers and security personnel, while also providing transparency for the public in contentious situations, thereby building trust within the community.

Real-Time Awareness: With 4G connectivity, these cameras can stream live video, providing immediate situational awareness to command centers which can be critical during fast-developing incidents or emergencies.

Communication Efficiency: Many 4G body cameras are equipped with two-way audio communication, enabling centralized coordination by allowing dispatchers and officers to communicate directly and efficiently.

Safety and De-Escalation: The mere presence of body cameras has been noted to de-escalate potentially volatile situations, as all parties become more mindful of their actions when they are aware that they are being recorded.

Training and Performance Improvement: Footage from these cameras can be used for training purposes, helping law enforcement and security personnel improve their interactions and responses through review and analysis of real-life situations.

4G body cameras into security and policing strategies is increasingly seen not just as an enhancement, but as a fundamental component of professional and modern law enforcement and security operations.

Key Features of CMSV9 Platform:

Real-Time Video Monitoring:

Stream live audio and video from the field, providing command centers with instantaneous situational awareness and the ability to make informed decisions rapidly.

Two-Way Communication:

Enable one-on-one or group voice intercom for efficient, clear, and immediate coordination among team members or between the field and the command center.

Advanced Locating and Geofencing:

Utilize precise location tracking with real-time updates. Set up electronic geofences to ensure personnel are within their assigned areas, enhancing safety and operational control.

Versatile Network Support:

With multiple network compatibility including external networks, VPN, private networks, and local intranets, CMS ensures constant connectivity.

Flexible Deployment Options:

Choose between local or cloud-based deployment to suit your operational needs, providing flexibility and scalability.

Cross-Platform Accessibility:

Access the system from any location through PC, WEB, and mobile clients (IOS and Android), ensuring you can manage your team wherever you are.

High-Level Security:

Access control at the permission level safeguards the security and integrity of your data.

Modular Architecture:

The multi-level architecture separates interface control, business logic, and data mapping, bringing agility to your operation and the ability to adapt to system requirements swiftly.

Distributed Storage and Analysis:

Engineered for large-scale, high-definition data handling, CMS facilitates comprehensive storage and sophisticated analysis through its distributed deployment capacity.


CMS Server V9 is more than just a management tool; it's an advanced ecosystem for enforcement agencies aspiring for high efficiency and streamlined processes in their daily operations. Embrace the future of law enforcement with CMS Server V9, where technology enhances security, responsiveness, and performance.

Download CMS Server V9 Guidebook

Recommend Hardware For CMSV9

Body camera KJ11

4G Body Camera

5G body camera, 5G drone camera

5G Drone Exntension Handle