How Smart Passenger Counter Improve Bus or Train Dispatching Better

Always know the traffic of passengers on the bus or train, the number of passengers getting on and off at different  stations, and the avg waiting time. This advanced video passenger counter enables the public transport management to receive passenger traffic and GPS location in real time, so as to plan better bus routes and bus departing schedules, and quickly adjust buses when necessary to avoid idling, low load and excessive congestion.

Bus passenger counter system solution

KEY BENEFITS by Bus People Counting

  • Accurate people counting >98% by binocular machine learning technolgoy
  • Many models for different demands.
  • The people counting starts when the door is opened and stops when it is closed
  • Easy placement without extra skills
  • Support remote debug and configuration
  • Receive real-time people counting data (Date and time, includ ON/OFF, Total ON/Total OFF, Onboard, Load rate)
    Includes Station recognition by GPS location, save cost of bus GPS station reporter
  • Use as a basis for monitoring, statistics, or immediate action
  • Free but powerful IPAS 3.0 passenger traffic analysis platform.
  • Can be integrated with third party systems

Know realtime passenger traffic getting on and off 
Keep bus passenger traffic management updated on the number of bus entries and exits with real time data. This allows for an immediate overview where traffic management can learn how about the trip load rate, full or empty. They can then quickly cancel next bus if passengers are few, and provide more buses to avoid major delays.

Get Online GPS data with station name and direction
Thanks to our GPS positioning modules, you get information about where the vehicle is. Then you can synchronize with imported traffic information for an extended overview of where most entries and exits occur – sorted by lines, trips, and stops. This makes it easier for traffic management to monitor the occupancy on various trips, such as: how many people ride on a particular line, which stops are being used, and at what times.

How does Passenger Counters work?
Automatic Bus Passenger Count is a special IOT camera with powerful M2M CPU processor and algorithm. Via the 4G industrial router and other 4G network device, video passenger counter can delivers real-time data to drivers and to the cloud platform.

Each bus or train entrance will be installed a 3D people counting sensor in the vehicle which notes whether a passenger is on the way in or out of the bus. The people counting camera will cover the area under the camera and with a counting area. Passengers pass the up and down counting lines will be counted as a valid count.

The vehicle’s door sensors inform the onboard IoT people counter unit about which doors are open, and the counter then signals the passenger counter to start counting the number of passengers going in/out through the doors in question.

The passenger counter sends the aggregated data, including time and GPS location, to customers’ own cloud-based server with our free IPAS 3.0 passenger traffic analysis software kits. Users can view them by PC or mobile anywhere.