Passenger Transit

19 04, 2024

How bus company use passenger counter data

By |April 19, 2024|Categories: Customer Insignt, Passenger Transit|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How bus company use passenger counter data

How Bus company use passenger counter data? How Bus company use passenger counter data? Bus company can optimize their operations and improve efficiency with passenger counter data in several ways, utilizing a combination of data analytics, smart technology integration, and operational strategies. Here are some key aspects of how they can achieve this: Data-Driven Decision Making Utilize data analytics to understand traffic patterns, peak travel times, popular routes, and rider preferences to [...]

23 11, 2023

School Bus Safety by Reamol 2D People Counter

By |November 23, 2023|Categories: Passenger Transit, People Counting, Video Surveillance|Comments Off on School Bus Safety by Reamol 2D People Counter

Reamol Video People Counter Promise Safety in School Bus Reamol AI has developed an innovative solution to ensure the safety of children on school buses. With their video people counter technology, no child will be left behind in the bus. The system offers a range of features, including 1080P recording, live video surveillance, occupancy alarm, SOS button, 4G network, and GPS. Reamol new 2D video people counting DVR offer the best solution [...]

28 04, 2023

High accuracy bus 3D video people counter

By |April 28, 2023|Categories: Passenger Transit|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on High accuracy bus 3D video people counter

Fast Learn of Bus Video People Counter System Overview: The bus video people counter system is a technology-driven solution designed to accurately count the number of passengers boarding and alighting a bus. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to monitor passenger traffic, optimize bus routes, and improve overall transportation management. Why need bus people counting? Ticket inspectors  play an important role in deterring fare evasion, which is when passengers attempt to [...]

27 09, 2022

How Smart Passenger Counter Improve Bus or Train Dispatching Better

By |September 27, 2022|Categories: Passenger Transit|Comments Off on How Smart Passenger Counter Improve Bus or Train Dispatching Better

How Smart Passenger Counter Improve Bus or Train Dispatching Better Always know the traffic of passengers on the bus or train, the number of passengers getting on and off at different  stations, and the avg waiting time. This advanced video passenger counter enables the public transport management to receive passenger traffic and GPS location in real time, so as to plan better bus routes and bus departing schedules, and quickly adjust buses [...]

24 08, 2022

How Footfall Analysis Get Important for Shopping Mall

By |August 24, 2022|Categories: Passenger Transit, Customer Insignt|Comments Off on How Footfall Analysis Get Important for Shopping Mall

How Footfall Analysis Get Important for Shopping Mall With the rapid development of the economy, the key words such as informatization, intelligence and data have appeared in all walks of life. As a pillar of the service industry, footfall analysis is also carrying out the innovation of the overall operation mode, and the shopping mall center is the specific carrier of the industry in miniature. Smart shopping mall construction is the only way [...]

5 06, 2022

Why Metro Station Often Limit Occupancy

By |June 5, 2022|Categories: Passenger Transit|Comments Off on Why Metro Station Often Limit Occupancy

Why Metro Station Often Limit Occupancy Subway Metro station occupancy limit is a short-term measure taken by the subway operator to avoid excessive pressure on the line or road network caused by large passenger traffic. Usually all metro station operators will use people counting system to control occupancy, such as ticket counting system, video analysis system, video people counting system. Especially during prime time and holiday, Metro station and other coach stations [...]

22 03, 2022

What is Future Passenger Information System

By |March 22, 2022|Categories: Passenger Transit|Comments Off on What is Future Passenger Information System

What is future passenger information system? Passenger information system is a cutting-edge technology, focusing on providing customized solutions related to various traffic management and transportation systems. In addition, it enables consumers to obtain a high degree of information and use the transportation network more orderly, intelligently and safely. PIs aims to improve traffic quality by reducing traffic congestion. This technology provides users with a priori information about their travel, such as real-time operation [...]

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