people counting

4 05, 2023

Why People Counting Camera is important for retail shop owner

|4 5 月, 2023|分类:People Counting|标签:, , |Why People Counting Camera is important for retail shop owner已关闭评论

Why People Counting Camera is important for retail shop owner People Counting Camera/Sensor is important to analysis your store footfall traffic. As a shop owner or manager, understanding what is footfall - the number of people who enter your store - is crucial to making informed business decisions. Footfall analysis can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, such as peak shopping times and popular product areas. However, manually people counting customers can [...]

28 04, 2023

High accuracy bus 3D video people counter

|28 4 月, 2023|分类:Passenger Transit|标签:, , , , , |High accuracy bus 3D video people counter已关闭评论

Fast Learn of Bus Video People Counter System Overview: The bus video people counter system is a technology-driven solution designed to accurately count the number of passengers boarding and alighting a bus. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to monitor passenger traffic, optimize bus routes, and improve overall transportation management. Why need bus people counting? Ticket inspectors  play an important role in deterring fare evasion, which is when passengers attempt to [...]

13 05, 2021

Advantages & Disadvantages of TOF Technology

|13 5 月, 2021|分类:People Counting|标签:, , , |Advantages & Disadvantages of TOF Technology已关闭评论

Advantages & Disadvantages of TOF (Time of Flight )Technology 1. TOF (Time of Flight) principle: When a laser emitter emits light pulses, the light will reflect when it meets an object. The light captured by the lens is the flight time. The distance between the object and the lens can be judged by simple formula calculation (Figure 1) 2: TOF element: the main element consists of three parts: light source (laser emitter [...]
